American Factory Worker

Home of The American Factory Worker


Environmental, Health and Safety continues to be major concern for U.S. Based Manufacturing Companies. The companies are not only concerned with the costs (Over $500 Million in Washington State in 2011 for example) but also the damage that can be done to a companies' reputation. In 2012, Wal-Mart took considerable heat for not agreeing to upgrades that could have prevented a fire with an off-shore manufacturer. If that had happened in the United States, the fall out would have been 100 times greater.

"According to a recent study released by a major insurance carrier, the cost of the most disabling workplace injuries and illnesses in 2008 amounted to $53.42 billion in direct U.S. workers compensation costs, averaging more than one billion dollars per week." - Via

Think about that for a second.......$1 billion dollars per week. There is a huge opportunity to improve. This impacts not only the lives of Factory Workers , but the financial health of American Companies. Workers Compensation is a series of laws, managed at the state level (Workers Comp by State links ), that are designed to protect a companies' employees if they are injured while performing their job. Most U.S. Manufacturers employ Environmental, Health, and Safety professionals who focus 100% of their time on reducing work place accidents and environmental issues.